4th Jan 2012-SOLD to Mr Wan From Terengganu, Malaysia
This antique doorknobs is made from brass material.The rings on the doorknobs is used to knock the door to inform the house owner that somebody is coming.
Price for 2 pieces:RM180
Doorknob History
American doorknob designs and materials have changed throughout the years. In colonial times the first door hardware was made out of wood, and involved simple latches and strings. Round knobs first appeared around the time of independence. Decorative hardware, including knobs, emerged after the Centennial Exposition of 1876. Before this time, most door hardware was imported; 95% in 1838.
Glass knobs were rare until a faster and cheaper manufacturing method was developed based on pressing. Pressed glass knobs were popular from 1826-1850, followed by cut glass through 1910. Wooden knobs were introduced in the late 1800s and were phased out after 1910. China or ceramic knobs were mainly imported from France and England until the mid-1800s, when the first U.S. patent was granted for making knobs out of potters clay.
Before 1846, metal knobs were made from two pieces brazed together or three pieces soldered together. Cast metal knobs were introduced around 1846. In the late 1800s, composite metal knobs were introduced as a less expensive knob. The main body was made out of iron or steel, covered entirely or in part with a veneer of bronze or brass. During the last half of the nineteenth century, many patents were issued regarding the spindle methods of attaching metal knobs for lock use, as well as designs for ornamenting these knobs. In 1870, a compression casting method was introduced that accelerated ornamentation of hardware.
Many of the Victorian doorknobs were made of cast bronze with ornamental patterns. During this period, a dozen major companies and many smaller firms produced hundreds of patterns of ornamented hardware, in addition to cast and wrought metal, glass, wood and pottery knobs. From 1830-1873, there were over 100 U.S. patents granted for knobs. Collectors have catalogued over 1,000 antique doorknob designs into 15 types based on shape, material, and design pattern. The best grade of knobs during this period were usually made from cast bronze or brass.
Around 1900, cast metal and glass knobs were introduced that incorporated ball bearings in the shanks of doorknobs. In operation, the knob shank rotated on sets of ball bearings fitted in the hardened steel cones. This reduced friction, assured closer adjustment, and eliminated endplay of the knobs. Other materials popular during the early 1900s included bronze and porcelain.
Most doorknobs come with some type of locking device. Machine processes for steel locks were first introduced in 1896. Today, the most common type of privacy lock is the spring lock, which uses a simple round, push button located in the center of the knob to control the bolt. It is easy to operate with a finger, closed fist, or elbow. Some locks come with both a spring lock and a dead bolt, which is operated by a key. Other locks have become more sophisticated, and use some sort of electronic device, such as a programmable computer chip that identifies users.
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