This Hand Drill is made in England. The brandname is Rapid.
Hand Drill Information
Hand or eggbeater drills bore small holes up to 1/4-inch in diameter in nearly any material. Still manufactured today, the hand drill competes with electric models by offering accuracy and control instead of power. By the late 1800's hand drills were in common use both in Europe and America, with many patents issued for improvements on this old design.
Pump drill by Yannick Trottier at commons.wikimedia.orgBow drills evolved as early in human culture as did the hunting bow. Commonly used for making fire by friction, bow drills soon were adapted for other simple tasks such as boring beads for necklaces. Better versions now called pump drills used wooden discs as inertial weights and were powered by pumping a handle up and down on the shaft. Cords wrapped around the drill shaft wound tight and spun the drill as the handle pushed down. The inertia of the disc wound the cords tight again and the next push spun the drill in the opposite direction. Reciprocating drills were in common use even into the late 1800s.
Eggbeater hand drill by Dinshaw Dadachanji at commons.wikimedia.orgThe first true hand drills used a hand rotated gear to drive the drill in continuous forward motion. Auger drills already in use cut with more precision than reciprocating drills but were clumsy and slow for boring small-diameter holes. The hand drill outperforms both auger and reciprocating drills in that application. Early hand drills used collet chucks and cast-iron gears. One of the first American hand drills manufactured by the Millers Falls Company in Massachusetts bored holes from 1/100-inch to 1/8-inch in diameter. The Millers No. 1 was sold as both a jeweler's drill and a child's toy.
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